This page contains all public deliverables, papers, and any other materials describing our outcomes as they are produced and published.

Model validation on the available (retrospective) datasets

Characterization of the Dynamic Risk of the Disease Onset based on Survival Analysis and Dynamic Bayesian Networks

Incorporation of New Variables into the Models

Selected models implementation and recalibration against each specific population

List of state-of-the-art models and variables used by them

HiAP scale

Report of the executed dissemination, exploitation, innovation and communication activities

Dissemination & Communication Strategy (M12)

Report of the executed dissemination, exploitation, innovation and communication activities

Dissemination and Communication Strategy
Importance of Recalibrating Models for Type 2 Diabetes Onset Prediction: Application of the Diabetes Population Risk Tool on the Health and Retirement Study
Vettoretti M., Longato E., Di Camillo B., Facchinetti A 2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (18-21 July 2018)
Spatial Enablement to Support Environmental, Demographic, Socioeconomics, and Health Data Integration and Analysis for Big Cities: A Case Study With Asthma Hospitalizations in New York City
Pala D., Pagán J., Parimbelli E., Rocca M. T. , Bellazzi R., Casella V. (24 April 2019)
Advantages and Difficulties of using Spatial Enablement to Support Public Health in Cities: The PULSE Case Study
Pala D., Rocca M. T. , Casella V. (Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management - Volume 1: HGIS, 322-329, 2019)
Progress in Characterizing the Human Exposome: a Key Step for Precision Medicine.
Martin-Sanchez F., Bellazzi R., Casella V., Dixon W., Lopez-Campos G., Peek N. (2019)
Dynamic spatio-temporal health impact assessments using geolocated population-based data: the PULSE project
Vito D., Bellazzi R., Casella V., Larizza C., Pogliaghi A., Pala D.. 18th World Clean Air Congress, 23-27 September 2019, Istanbul
EXPLUME v1.0: a model for personal exposures to ambient O3 and PM2.5
Valari M., Markakis K., Powaga E., Collignan B., and Perrussel O. (3 July 2019)
Transfer Learning for Urban Landscape Clustering and Correlation with Health Indexes.
Bellazzi, R., Caldarone, A. A., Pala, D., Franzini, M., Malovini, A., Larizza, C., & Casella, V. (2019, October). How AI Impacts Urban Living and Public Health. 17th International Conference, ICOST 2019, New York City, NY, USA, October 14-16, 2019
How AI Impacts Urban Living and Public Health
J.Pagán, M. Mokhtari, H. Aloulou, B. Abdulrazak, M. F. Cabrera. 17th International Conference, ICOST 2019, New York City, NY, USA, October 14-16, 2019
Empowering Citizens through Perceptual Sensing of Urban Environmental and Health Data Following a Participative Citizen Science Approach
Ottaviano M. , Beltrán-Jaunsarás M. , Teriús-Padrón J. G. , I. García-Betances R., González-Martínez S., Gloria Cea, Vera C. , Cabrera-Umpiérrez M. and Arredondo Waldmeyer M.
Baseline Modelling and Composite Representation of Unobtrusively (IoT) Sensed Behaviour Changes Related to Urban Physical Well-Being
Andrić M., Urošević V., Pagan J. (2020)
The PULSE Project: A Case of Use of Big Data Uses Toward a Comprehensive Health Vision of City Well Being
Vito D., Ottaviano M., Bellazzi R., Larizza C., Casella V., Pala D., Franzini M. (June 2020)