Health policies in the future EU budget (2021-2027)

Health will have a strong dimension in the next EU budget.

Following the adoption of the new Multiannual Financial Framework for the period 2021-2027 on 2 May, the Commission adopted today the legislative proposal for a new European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) Programme.

The health strand of the ESF+ Programme shall support public health policies and access to medical products. It shall fulfil this objective by ensuring a high level of health protection in the Union including through the reduction of inequalities in public health capacity among and within Member States and, in complement to other ESF+ actions, addressing the health challenges identified in the European Semester. Integrating health in ESF+ will lead to new and stronger synergies with the other building blocks of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

Building on achievements and lessons learned from the previous health programmes, the new strand of the ESF+ programme will allow us to strengthen several recent initiatives and to roll out new ones. The focus will be on key areas and priorities where Europe can deliver added value and make a real difference in the life of citizens. With this programme, the EU will be able to:

  1. Improve crisis-preparedness, management and response in the EU to protect citizens from cross-border health threats.
  2. Strengthen health systems, by supporting the digital transformation of health and care, developing a sustainable EU health information system, and supporting national reform processes for more effective, accessible and resilient health systems addressing, in particular, the challenges identified in the European Semester
  3. Support EU health legislation, and
  4. Support integrated work, (e.g. ERNs, HTA and implementation of best practices for the promotion of health, prevention and management of diseases).

Other funding mechanisms to finance health projects, such as the European Regional Development Fund, Horizon Europe or Digital Europe will be adopted next week. 

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No GA727816.

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