CEF Telecom: €12.4M to support eHealth, eProcurement, European e-Justice Portal

The European Commission has just launched the CEF Telecom 2018–4 call, making €12.4 million available to stimulate and sustain the deployment of European Digital Service Infrastructures (DSIs). This call is the fourth under the 2018 CEF Telecom Work Programme. In 2018, CEF Telecom will provide up to a total of €84.4 million in funding through grants for DSIs.


The fourth call aims to:

  • improve access to the best care for rare disease patients through generating and spreading knowledge within specialized clinical European Reference Networks (eHealth)
  • support the digitalisation of public procurement and to foster the implementation of the once-only principle IT solutions which make the procurement process more efficient and save money (eProcurement)
  • provide an opportunity to the public authorities to either join the e-CODEX system for secure cross-border electronic communication in the justice area, or embark on integration activities with respect to the e-Evidence Digital Exchange System developed in the criminal law field (European e-Justice Portal)
  • increase the efficiency and the reach of the complaint handling processes for consumer disputes with online traders, e-commerce platforms and the alternative dispute resolution bodies (Online Dispute Resolution)

Interested applicants from all EU Member States plus Iceland and Norway may submit their proposals by 22 November 2018. A Virtual Info Day on the call and application process will take place on 13 September 2018. The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) is the contact point for this call. Technical information on this call is available here.

On the substance of the 2018-4 call

EUR 5 million will be dedicated to eHealth. This amount will help generate and spread targeted knowledge within the European Reference Networks (ERNs) performing virtual clinical consultations in the field of rare, low-prevalence or complex diseases as well as within the medical community at large by supporting actions implementing ERN e-learning/e-training tools. Through the ERNs, rare disease patients are granted affordable access to the best care available in the EU for their disease.

EUR 3 million will be dedicated to eProcurement to support the digitalization of public procurement. Different actions such as implementing or expanding a contract register which contains information about public procurement procedures, implementing or updating the self-declaration service (ESPD) and connecting it to the national databases, linking an eProcurement solution (eCertis), or making eTendering solutions interoperable will be supported. All these activities support the implementation of the once-only principle IT solutions, making the e-procurement process more efficient and cheaper.

EUR 4 million will be dedicated to the European e-Justice Portal, the platform conceived as a one-stop-shop for citizens, businesses and legal professionals across Europe in the area of justice. Member State public authorities have an opportunity to either join the e-CODEX system for secure cross-border electronic communication, or embark on integration activities with respect to the e-Evidence Digital Exchange System (improve cross-border access to e-evidence) developed in the criminal law field. Furthermore, the call aims to enable national authorities to comply with some of their obligations with regard to two civil law instruments – the interconnection of national insolvency registers, pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/848, and the implementation of multilingual electronic forms on public documents further to Regulation (EU) 2016/1191.

EUR 0.4 million will be dedicated to Online Dispute Resolution platform, a secure multilingual space for the out-of-court resolution of disputes related to online shopping that allows the online traders, the e-commerce platforms and the alternative dispute resolution bodies for consumer disputes to increase the efficiency and reach of their complaints handling processes. CEF Telecom will support the upgrade of the applicants’ software and its seamless integration with the European Online Resolution Platform.

Applications and Call evaluation

To receive co-funding under the calls, actions must be ready for deployment, contribute to EU Digital Single Market policies and have a long-term sustainability strategy. The funding will be allocated to those eligible proposals which best meet the award criteria as specified in the 2018 CEF Telecom Work Programme and call texts in the areas relevant to this call.

Applicants should submit their proposal through the dedicated proposal submission system, accessible from the individual call webpages on the 2018 CEF Telecom Calls web page. All call documents and additional background information are also available on the individual call webpages. The evaluation of the proposals to call CEF-TC-2018-4 is expected to start in December 2018. The results of the evaluation and the decision on the allocation of grants should be announced as of May 2019. Follow INEA on Twitter @inea_eu LinkedIn to stay informed about the latest call developments. You can have a look at examples of successful CEF co-funded projects..

About CEF Telecom

CEF Telecom funding is dedicated to Digital Service Infrastructures (DSIs) delivering networked cross-border services for citizens, businesses and public administrations. Supported projects will contribute to improving the competitiveness of the European economy, promoting the interconnection and interoperability of national, regional and local networks and access to these networks, thus supporting the development of a Digital Single Market. CEF Telecom has an overall budget of €1.04 billion (2014-2020).

Article Source: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/connecting-europe-facility-cef-telecom-eu124-million-support-ehealth-eprocurement-european-e

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No GA727816.

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